The Pacific Health Information Hub for the Wellington region

Kia Orana, Bula Vinaka, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, OFakatalofa Atu, Halo Olaketa, Talofa Lava, Mālo Ni, Malo e Lelei, Noa’ia, Taloha Ni, Tēnā Koutou Katoa and warm Pacific Greetings

Everyone over 12 years can get vaccinated

COVID-19 vaccination bookings are now open to everyone in New Zealand aged 12 years and over. They must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Go to to reserve your spot or phone 0800 28 29 26. All calls are free, and the team are available from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. You can ask for an interpreter if you need one.

Drive-through Vaccination Clinic -Porirua

Ora Toa Drive-Through Vaccination Clinic
Calling all Pacific people who live in the Porirua and Wellington community and need your COVID-19 vaccinations.
This Thursday 26th, and all through Alert Level 4 . You will be able to get vaccinated from the safety and comfort of your own car.
Where: North City Plaza undercover carpark (New World Porirua)
When: Thursday 26 August 2021 and dates specified on our Facebook pages that are updated regularly.
Time: 10am – 2pm.
Remember only 4 people per vehicle. (Alert Level 4, travel conditions apply)
The great thing is that you don’t need to book to get your vaccinations at the Ora Toa Drive-Through.
There will be staff onsite who can translate and communicate in a wide range of Pacific languages, so if you have any questions when you get there, they’ll be able to help you.
Phone 0800 862 672 to speak to one of their helpful contact centre staff or email: [email protected]

Why Positively Pacific was created.

‘Consistent health and Covid messages delivered in one place, is the reason why we set up Positively Pacific,’ says Director Pacific Peoples Health CCDHB & HVDHB, Tagaloa Junior Ulu.
‘We’ve deliberately used Pacific colours and Pacific images to attract and connect with our Pacific viewers and make it easier for them to get the information they need.’
Support Positively Pacific by clicking Like, Share, Follow and encourage your family and friends to join our growing Positively Pacific community.

Porirua Pacific Festival Days for Pacific people aged 55+ and their families.

Pacific people have been prioritised in Group 3 for COVID vaccination, to get vaccinated early and before other groups.
Pacific Festival Days organised by Capital & Coast District Health Board (CCDHB), Ora Toa Health Services and the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (EFKS Porirua) will be held on:
Dates and times:
Saturday 10th July 10:00 am – 5:30 pm (Dose 1)
Saturday 31 st July 10.00 am – 5.30 pm(Dose 2)
Where: Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (EFKS Porirua), 2 Louisa Grove, Waitangirua, Porirua
We encourage you to make a booking at any of the following contact phone numbers or email addresses. This is to help to ease the flow and administration of people receiving the Pfizer vaccine on the day.
Phone Number: 0508 ORA TOA or 0508 672 862

Get vaccinated to Protect your families and our Communities.

Pacific Festival Vaccination Day- Newtown on July 1st is still on.

Thursday’s Pacific Festival Vaccination Day still on.

With Wellington’s move back to Level 1 the Pacific Festival Vaccination Day is definitely going ahead this Thursday for people booked to get their 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine.*

When: Thursday 1st JULY 2021 10:00 am – 3:30 pm
55 cnr Constable & Daniel Street, Newtown, Wellington

For more information call: Lafulafu EKENASIO, Mob: 021 075 4815 (Mafutaga Matutua Group)

Ida FAIUMU-ISA’AKO, Mob: 027 522 1542 (Health, Safety & Wellbeing Committee)

*Please remember to bring your vaccination card from  when you received your 1st dose of the vaccine.

COVID-19 Community based assessment centres (CBACs)

The Wellington region is now at Alert Level 2 until midnight Sunday 27 June.

An Australian traveller from Sydney, New South Wales (NSW Traveller case) who visited Wellington on the weekend of Saturday 19 June to Monday 21 June has tested positive on their return back to Australia.

If you visited any of the places of interest at the same time as the Australian visitor you will
need to be tested.

If you are feeling unwell and think you may have COVID-19, please call Healthline 0800 3585453 or your GP if you think you need to be tested. They will refer you to a booking centre to make an appointment.

CBAC locations and operating hours:
Please check the links below for the most up-to date-information.

Hutt Region: Testing locations in the Hutt Region.
Wellington Region:  Testing locations in the Wellington Region
Wairarapa DHB: For up-to-date details of CBACs in the Wairarapa see COVID-19 information their website .

If you are offered a test for COVID-19, please take it. It will help us ensure we don’t have community transmission, and help keep your friends, family and whānau safe.

Assessment and testing is free of charge. You may not need to be tested, but the assessment centre team can advise you on what to do next whether you are tested or not.