Unsure about getting vaccinated?

More than 90,000 Border, MIQ workers and their families, Frontline health and emergency workers and others in Groups 1 and 2, have now received their first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. If you’re unsure about getting the Covid-19 vaccine watch, Rose Nimorata, a Clinical Specialty Nurse and trained vaccinator, based in the Hutt Valley. […]
Vaccine rollout for Wellington region has begun

The staged roll out of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has started for Group One (Border, MIQ workers and their families) and Group Two (Frontline health and emergency workers, Older Pacific and Māori people living with whānau and the people they live with, and people living in long-term residential care) in the Wellington region and around […]
COVID-19 vaccine rollout groups

Learn more about who’s in each group for our vaccine rollout. These dates are estimates — the actual start times will depend on when vaccines are delivered. Changes may also happen if we get new information that affects how the rollout will work. https://covid19.govt.nz/health-and-wellbeing/covid-19-vaccines/getting-a-covid-19-vaccine/how-our-vaccine-rollout-will-work/ The 4 Groups are: Group 1 — Now onwards -Border and […]
Alert Levels update

All of New Zealand is now at Alert Level One. For more information about Alert Levels, see the Unite Against COVID-19 website. Wear a face covering especially on public transport. This helps stop droplets spreading when someone speaks, laughs, coughs or sneezes. Keep contract tracing. Scan everywhere you go. Anyone who has cold or flu symptoms, including […]
Stop the spread of Covid – What you can do to help keep NZ safe

If you’re wondering what you can do to help, here’s a few simple tips: Keep following the same basic Covid safety messages we’ve always followed. Keep using and scanning the Contact Tracing QR codes as a routine, safety-first habit. If there is a community outbreak, Contact tracing makes it much easier to limit and control […]